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Electricity Questions Suggestion for IGCSE Exam May 2024

Fixed Resistor Question: Draw the I-V characteristic graph for a fixed resistor and explain why the graph is a straight line. Answer: The…

Explain why the shielding is needed - 2 marks

The shielding absorbs the harmful radiation emitted from the nuclear reactor which prevents from harmful effects like cancer etc …

Explain how Nuclear Fission can lead to a chain reaction - 3 marks

When uranium-235 absorbs a neutron, it becomes unstable and splits into two daughter nuclei, barium and krypton, releasing three free neutrons. …

The Doppler effect in sound wave

The Doppler effect is a phenomenon observed in waves, including sound waves, where there is a perceived change in frequency or wavelength of a wave d…

Evidence of big bang theory

Evidence of big bang theory The Big Bang theory is supported by a wide range of observational evidence from various fields of astronomy, physics, and…

Explain, in terms of neutrons, what is meant by controlled nuclear fission

Controlled nuclear fission refers to the process of splitting the nucleus of an atom into smaller parts in a controlled manner. In this context, neut…

Forces and Motion (O-Levels)

Forces and Motion Acceleration: The rate of change of velocity. It can be calculated from the gradient of a velocity-time graph. Balanced Forc…

Astrophysics (O-Levels)

Artificial Satellites: Man-made satellites that have been sent into space for purposes such as satellite imaging and communications. Big Bang The…

Thermometric Property (Thermal Physics)

Thermometric Property An instrument, a thermometer, is required to measure temperature objectively . The thermometer makes use of a physical property…

Use ideas about momentum to explain how seat belts can reduce injuries to passengers during a crash

Seat belts can reduce injuries to passengers during a crash …

Difference between speed and velocity

Speed Velocity The rate of distance travelled is speed The rate of displacement travelled is velocity…

States of matter

Matter is any substance that occupies physical space. The kinetic theory of matter sates that matter is made of tiny particles i.e. atoms/mol…

Clinical Thermometer (Thermal Physics)

Clinical Thermometer Clinical thermometer is a slight modification of mercury thermometer. It is specially designed to measure the human body tempera…

Laboratory thermometer (Thermal Physics)

Laboratory thermometer Structure: The thermometer is made relatively small so that it is portable and cheap. The liquid is contained …

Defining A Temperature Scale (Thermal Physics)

Defining A Temperature Scale A thermometer is useless without a temperature scale (the markings on the thermometer). In order to define a temperature…

Thermometry (Thermal Physics)

Thermometry Thermometry (Aka. temperature measurement) is essential to a wide range of activities, including manufacturing, scientific research, and …
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